

Junes Chirband was born in Weinheim an der Bergstrasse in December 2009 and has lived in Sweden with his three brothers since he was 6 years old. There he plays and trains with the first team at the Barsebäck Golf Club.


06 Dec. 2009
Weinheim – Germany
Mum & Dad, 3 younger brothers, 2 Labradors
0 cm
0 kg
Rory Mcllroy, Max Homa, Tiger Woods
54° sand wedge
from approx. 85m knockdown shot
Torrey Pines, San Diego, California
fishing, clay pigeon shooting and all kinds of sports.

"The most important shot in golf is the next one."

– Ben Hogan –

Junes’ journey into the world of golf began at an early age, fueled by his fascination with the game and the unwavering support of his family. His parents, recognizing his natural talent and passion, decided to nurture his budding talent and introduced him to a local golf academy. It didn’t take long for his potential to become evident, as his swing and technique displayed a level of precision and grace that belied his age.

What truly sets Junes apart is his insatiable appetite for improvement. He approaches every practice session with a dedication that’s rare for someone of his age. Rising before dawn, he can be found on the driving range, honing his skills under the watchful eye of his dedicated coach. His commitment extends beyond the golf course, as he focuses on fitness and mental training to prepare himself for the rigors of professional competition.

Despite his young age, Junes is no stranger to the pressures of competition. He has already garnered numerous titles and accolades in junior golf tournaments, showcasing his ability to perform under the spotlight. His remarkable consistency and composure in high-pressure situations have drawn comparisons to seasoned professionals.

Junes’ dream of reaching the PGA Tour is not just a distant aspiration; it’s a driving force in his life. He studies the careers of his golfing idols, learning from their successes and setbacks. He understands that the road to professional golf is long and challenging, but he is determined to persevere and achieve his goals.

Beyond his talent, what makes Junes truly special is his infectious enthusiasm for the game. He’s not just chasing personal glory; he wants to inspire young golfers to pursue their dreams, just as he is pursuing his. He is a role model for young aspiring golfers, embodying the values of discipline, determination, and sportsmanship that define the sport.

As Junes continues to hone his skills and gain valuable experience in junior golf, the golfing world eagerly awaits his inevitable progression to the professional ranks. While the journey ahead is filled with challenges and uncertainties, one thing is certain – Junes is a rising star with boundless potential, and his dream of gracing the PGA Tour with his talent and determination is closer to becoming a reality with each swing of his club.

In the years to come, the world will likely witness Junes’ ascent from a talented 14-year-old to a professional golfer making headlines on the PGA Tour. Keep an eye on this young prodigy, for his journey is poised to inspire generations of young golfers and capture the hearts of golf enthusiasts around the globe.